Your wonderful beanbag has arrived but now you may be wondering why the zip is designed upside down...
Opening your beanbag at first can be a little fiddly due to us installing the zip upside down, but we purposely do this as a safety measure so that curious little fingers cannot get inside and empty the bead everywhere... you will thank us in the long run!
We have created this page to hopefully guide you through the process and make it a bit easier for you.

Feel for the zip head through the fabric

Push the zip open enough to fit a finger between the zip head and the end of the opening

Slide the zip open until the gap is wide enough to reach inside and easily grab the zip and pull completely open.
Below you will find a video showing how to use our easYfill washbag system, simply follow the video or read the steps above in order to empty, fill, wash or store away your beanbag covers.